• Hiroki Ogawa and Watanabe Tomio: InterRobot: speech-driven embodied interaction robot, Advanced Robotics, Vol.15, No.3, pp.371-377, 2001-8
  • Tomio Watanabe and Masashi Okubo: Sensory Evaluation of Expressive Actions of InterRobot for Human Interaction and Communication Support, Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2001), pp.44-49, 2001-9.
  • Masashi Okubo and Tomio Watanabe: 3D Shape Evalution Analysis by Synthesis in Virtual Space for Collaboration, Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2001), pp.56-61, 2001-9.
  • Yutaka Ishii and Tomio Watanabe: Effects of the Arrangement of VirtualActors on Human Interaction by Using the Embodied Virtual Communication System, The International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions (ISHF2001), pp.269-274. 2001-9.
  • Tomio Watanabe: E-COSMIC: Embodied Communication System for Mind Connection, Proc. of the9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2001), Vol.1, pp.253-257, 2001-8.
  • Tomio Watanabe and Hiroki Ogawa: InterRobot for Human Interaction and Communication Support, Proc. of World Multi-conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2001), Vol.[, pp.466-471, 2001-7
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo and Hiroki Ogawa: An Embodied Interaction Robots System Based on Speech, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.12 No.2, pp.126-134, 2000.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo and Hiroki Ogawa: A Speech Driven Embodied Interaction Robots System for Human Communication Support, Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2000) pp.852-857, 2000.
  • Hiroki Ogawa and Tomio Watanabe, InterRobot: A Speech Driven Interaction Robot, Proc. of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2000) pp.322-327, 2000.
  • Yutaka Ishii and Tomio Watanabe: Evaluation of an Embodied Virtual Communication System for Human Interaction Analysis by Synthesis, Proc. of RO-MAN2000, pp.29-34, 2000.
  • Masashi Okubo and Tomio Watanabe: 3D Shape Evaluation in Virtual Space - Effectiveness of Gazing Line-Action Linkage System, Proc. of RO-MAN2000, pp.374-377, 2000.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo and Yutaka Ishii: An Embodied Virtual Face-to-Face Communication System with Virtual Actor and Vitual Wave for Human Interaction Sharing, Proc. of World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2000), 3, pp.146-151, 2000.
  • Masashi Okubo and Tomio Watanabe: Lip Motion Capture Based on Hue of Color by using Optical-Snakes, Proc. of SCI2000, 5, pp.247-251, 2000.
  • Tomio Watanabe and Masashi Okubo: An Embodied Virtual Communication System for Human Interaction Sharing, 1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp.1060-1065, 1999.
  • Masashi Okubo and Tomio Watanabe: Visual, Tactile and Gazing Line - Action Linkage System for 3D Shape Evaluation in Virtual Space, Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.72-75, 1999.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo, and Hiroki Ogawa: An Embodied Interaction Robots System Based on Speech, Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.225-230, 1999.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo: Virtual Face-to-Face Communication System for Human Interaction Analysis by Synthesis, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp.182-186, 1999.
  • Tsutomu Kuroda and Tomio Watanabe: Analysis and Synthesis of Facial Color Using Color Image Processing, JSME International Journal, Vol.41, No.2(C), pp.302-307, 1998.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo and Tsutomu Kuroda: Evaluation of Emotion by Using Peripheral Skin Temperature - the Effectiveness of Measurement on the Back of Finger, Proc. of the 7th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems, 401-405, 1998.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo and Msao Inadome: Virtual Communication System for Human Interaction Analysis, Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, 21-26, 1998.
  • Masashi Okubo, Tomio Watanabe and Kimishige Yamada: Lip Motion Extraction from Color Video Images Using Optical-Snakes, ibid., 507-512, 1998.
  • Tsutomu Kuroda and Tomio Watanabe: Facial Color Image Analysis and Synthesis for Emotional Change, ibid., 456-461, 1998.
  • Tsutomu Kuroda and Tomio Watanabe: Affect Display for Virtual Face Image Using Facial Color, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, 352-356, 1998.
  • Masashi Okubo and Tomio Watanabe: Lip Motion Capture and Its Application to 3-D Molding, Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 187-192, 1998.
  • Masashi Okubo and Tomio Watanabe:Shape Evaluation in Virtual and Real Spaces Using Sensory Evaluation and Heart Rate Variability, JAPAN-U.S.A. Symposium on Flexible Automation, 869-874, 1998.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo, Tsutomu Kuroda, "Physiological Analysis of Entrainment in Face-to-Face Communicaion", Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics, Vol.21B, pp.411-414,1997.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo, Tsutomu Kuroda, "Evaluation of theEntrainment Between a Speaker's Burst-Pause of Speech and Respiration and a Listener's Respiration in Face-to-Face Communication", Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.392-397, 1997.
  • Masashi Okubo, Tomio Watanabe, "Sensory Evaluation of Preference of 3DShape in Virtual And Real Environments", Proc. of the 6th IEEEInternational Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.460-464, 1997.
  • Tomio Watanabe, Masashi Okubo, Tsutomu Kuroda, "Analysis of Entrainment inFace-to-Face Interaction Using Heart Rate Variability", Proc. IEEEInternational Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.141-145, 1996.
  • Tomio Watanabe and Noboru Kobayashi,"Modeling of Entrainment inFace-to-Face Interaction", Proc. 14th Biennial Meeting of ISSBD, pp.556, Quebec, 1996.
  • T. Watanabe, "Effects of Pitch Adaptation in Prosody on Human-Machine Verbal Communication", Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics, Vol.20A , pp.269-274, 1995.
  • T.Watanabe, B.M.Lester and C.F.Z.Boukydis, "Mothers' Perceptions and Feelings About Their Infant's Cry Relate to Home Environment and Developmental Outcome" , Proc. 9th International Conference on Infant Studies, pp.193, Paris, 1994.
  • T.Watanabe, B.M.Lester, C.F.Z.Boukydis and N.Kobayashi, "Early Differences in Maternal Perception of Infant Crying Predict Organization of the Home Enviroment and Developmental Outcome", Proc. 13th Biennial Meeting of ISSBD, pp.160, Amsterdam, 1994.
  • T.Watanabe, "Voice-Responsive Eye-Blinking Feedback for Improved Human-to-Machine Speech Input", Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics, Vol.19B, pp.1091-1096, 1993.

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